Obesità: da amplificatore di rischio a malattia cronica

97 DOCUMENTO SIPREC 2022 2020. Aggiornamento al 24 Marzo 2021. 2. Chang SH, Stoll CRT, Carolyn R. T. Stoll, The Effectiveness and Risks of Bariatric Surgery An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, 2003-2012. JAMA Surgery. 2014. Volume 149, Number 3 3. Robertson AGN, Wiggins T, Robertson FP. Perioperative mortality in Bariatric Surgery: meta-analysis. Br J Surg. 2021. 108(8):892-897 4. Standford CS, Mushannen T, Cortez P. Comparison of Short and Long-Term Outcomes of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents and Adults. Front. Endocrinol. 2020. 11:157.